Vertrauen Information and documentation files

[root] / CDROM: Simtel MS-DOS Archive (Mar 1998)

1SGATHTX.ZIP282KMay 03, 2024Seagate tech support's disk ref (needs HHV20)
AITCW003.ZIP120KMay 03, 2024Abbreviations used in the computer world
ASM9802H.ZIP64KMay 03, 2024Feb 98 x86 Assembly Language FAQ (2 of 2)
ASM9802T.ZIP54KMay 03, 2024Feb 98 x86 Assembly Language FAQ (1 of 2)
ASP804.ZIP381KMay 03, 2024Association of ShareWare Professionals catalog
ASPDAT71.ZIP61KMay 03, 2024ASP membership list and info in DBF format
AUTHOR35.ZIP40KMay 03, 2024List of MS-DOS PD & SW author e-mail addresses
BESTPR54.ZIP26KMay 03, 2024Timo's choice of best MS-DOS/Win PD/FW/SW pgms
BGI20.ZIP375KMay 03, 2024Computer-based Internet tutorial for beginners
C64TOPC.ZIP2KMay 03, 2024How to connect a Commodore 64 printer to a PC
CALFAQ.ZIP21KMay 03, 2024Frequently asked questions about calendars
COMPET11.ZIP54KMay 03, 2024Understanding your competition, by E. Mallay
DAILY96.ZIP125KMay 03, 2024Bates Directory of U.S. Daily Newspapers, 1996
DC96FREE.ZIP5KMay 03, 2024The Best Free Internet Software list, Dec 1996
DOSFV206.ZIP56KMay 03, 2024FAQ from comp.os.msdos.programmer newsgroup
DOSHLP20.ZIP523KMay 03, 2024DOSHelp v2.0: Basic DOS Commands Tutor
FAQC9709.ZIP106KMay 03, 2024Frequently Asked Questions of comp.compression
FAQCLP.ZIP14KMay 03, 2024Frequently Asked Questions of comp.lang.pascal
FAQCLPB.ZIP9KMay 03, 2024comp.lang.pascal.borland newsgroup Mini-FAQ
FTP-LIST.ZIP410KMay 03, 2024List of Internet sites with FTP & mail access
INADBK21.ZIP436KMay 03, 2024Internet Address Book - Thousands of Sites
INTER56A.ZIP354KMay 03, 2024Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, 1of4
INTER56B.ZIP353KMay 03, 2024Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, 2of4
INTER56C.ZIP354KMay 03, 2024Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, 3of4
INTER56D.ZIP545KMay 03, 2024Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, 4of4
INTER56E.ZIP290KMay 03, 2024Utility programs for interrupt list
INTER56F.ZIP233KMay 03, 2024WinHelp hypertext conversion programs
INTER56G.ZIP308KMay 03, 2024Non-WinHelp hypertext conversion programs
INTER56Z.ZIP12KMay 03, 2024HC31/HCP phrases file for Interrupt List 56
INTWIN56.ZIP4MMay 03, 2024Interrupt List 56, Windows Help format
JOBNET40.ZIP127KMay 03, 2024Directory of contract service firms
KILLFILE.ZIP7KMay 03, 2024Leanne Phillips' rn newsreader KILL file FAQ
MDIVE5A.ZIP30KMay 03, 2024Heart attack risk assessment program
ML96OCT.ZIP104KMay 03, 2024Mike's list 1996 October edition
MODER62.ZIP30KMay 03, 2024List of MS-DOS FTP sites and their moderators
MODWKS20.ZIP140KMay 03, 2024Modem Workshop v2.0: Modem book on disk
MUF17.ZIP65KMay 03, 2024MicroSoft's Undocumented Features, Vol 1, No 7
NOS2.ZIP958KMay 03, 2024The Prophecies of Nostradamus v2.0
ONLINE34.ZIP415KMay 03, 2024The Online World resources handbook v3.4
PCGPE10.ZIP702KMay 03, 2024The PC Games Programmers Encyclopedia 1.0
PCL60A.ZIP223KMay 03, 2024Pc-Learn: Beginners Computer Tutorial, 1 of 2
PCL60B.ZIP201KMay 03, 2024Pc-Learn: Beginners Computer Tutorial, 2 of 2
PCPAIRV1.ZIP1MMay 03, 2024Pcpair v1.0: PC upgrade/repair tutor DOS
PCTESTV1.ZIP433KMay 03, 2024PCTest v1.0: Upgrade and components test
PCTIM003.ZIP350KMay 03, 2024FAQ/App Note: Timing on the PC under DOS
PENC90.ZIP1MMay 03, 2024E-Text Encyclopaedia Edition 9.0 (text format)
PENC90H1.ZIP643KMay 03, 2024E-Text Encyclopaedia Edition 9.0 (HTML), 1of4
PENC90H2.ZIP726KMay 03, 2024E-Text Encyclopaedia Edition 9.0 (HTML), 2of4
PENC90H3.ZIP1MMay 03, 2024E-Text Encyclopaedia Edition 9.0 (HTML), 3of4
PENC90H4.ZIP375KMay 03, 2024E-Text Encyclopaedia Edition 9.0 (HTML), 4of4
PENC90K.ZIP1MMay 03, 2024E-Text Encyclopaedia Edition 9.0 (knb format)
PSYCHEK2.ZIP26KMay 03, 2024Find out your management/personality style
PWRWDS23.ZIP228KMay 03, 2024Power words: 4,500 wise and witty quotations
RES16SW.ZIP1013KMay 03, 2024Monitor repair procedure database. ShareWare
RURARJ.ZIP11KMay 03, 2024RURARJ: Arj compression command set
RURCAB.ZIP11KMay 03, 2024RURCAB: Useful P.C. cable connection list
RURGLOSS.ZIP22KMay 03, 2024RURGLOSS: Useful PC terminology glossary
RURLST2P.ZIP37KMay 03, 2024RURLST2: G0RUR's File Type Listing v2.0
RURNET.ZIP35KMay 03, 2024RURNET: G0RUR's Guide to the Internet
RURPKU.ZIP7KMay 03, 2024RURPKU: Useful PKUNZIP user commands
RURPKZ.ZIP7KMay 03, 2024RURPKZ: Useful PKZIP user commands
RWINT_41.ZIP2MMay 03, 2024Programmer's DOS Interrupt Reference Hypertext
SARG03.ZIP56KMay 03, 2024The ShareWare Authors Resource Guide - 3rd ed.
SAUCS1.ZIP41KMay 03, 2024Shareware Author & User Case Study
STRATS21.ZIP79KMay 03, 2024E-Book: Strategies to reduce college costs
SUPRT512.ZIP12KMay 03, 2024Tech Support BBS list for hardware/software
TSFAQN46.ZIP110KMay 03, 2024Questions from UseNet and Timo's answers
TSFAQP39.ZIP130KMay 03, 2024Common Turbo Pascal questions & Timo's answers
UNIXHELP.ZIP50KMay 03, 2024Help window with descriptions of UNIX commands
VENDOR35.ZIP299KMay 03, 2024Computer vendors' Phone/Fax/BBS/Tech support
VL960105.ZIP294KMay 03, 2024VendorList v96.01.05: 4950 hrdwr/sftwr vendors

71 files
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