Vertrauen Geography-related software

[root] / CDROM: Simtel MS-DOS Archive (Feb 1995)

EURV15.ZIP113KMay 03, 2024Europe!: Game teaches European geography
GETAMAP.ZIP62KMay 03, 2024Prepare Government map request
ONTOP10.ZIP492KMay 03, 2024On Top of the World' 3D Earth model/info DEMO
USA_SURV.ZIP410KMay 03, 2024Survey the USA, graphics, requires mouse
USGEO110.ZIP137KMay 03, 2024USA geography teacher & tester (req. EGA/VGA)
VNMYHOME.ZIP234KMay 03, 2024Geography of Vietnam, in English
VNQUETOI.ZIP210KMay 03, 2024Geography of Vietnam, in Vietnamese

7 files
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