Vertrauen Windows Games and Diversions

[root] / CDROM: Walnut Creek CICA-Windows (1995)

0X_11.ZIP134KNov 30, 1994Noughts And Crosses game Version 1.1 (w/src)
1STMATE.ZIP259KDec 03, 19921stMate - The Pilot - navigation program
3DXWD.ZIP60KJun 02, 1992Cyberspace Crossword Puzzle
4PLAY13.ZIP98KNov 02, 1994Windows version of the classic Connect 4 game
7CRDSTUD.ZIP70KAug 11, 1994Seven Card Stud Poker Game for Windows
8BALLWIN.ZIP28KMar 21, 1994Magic Eight Ball for Windows v1.0
ABC123.ZIP247KJan 14, 1995ABC123 Preschool Number/Letter Learning Game
ADA_T100.ZIP219KNov 17, 1993Solitaire card game where the entire deck is visible
ADVSLN.ZOO51KFeb 12, 1993Text of a Perfect 550-point Adventure Game
AFORCE.ZIP15KNov 08, 1990AlienForce Shoot-Em Up Game
ALBUNN12.ZIP163KMar 19, 1995Al Bunny's Typing Tutor
ALIENTIC.ZIP40KAug 28, 1992Alien TicTacToe Game
ALPHA.ZIP56KApr 07, 1994Mission Alphatron (a Scramble variant)
AMAZE407.ZIP166KJan 26, 19943D maze game for Windows 3.x
AMNESIA.ZIP190KJan 28, 1995Amnesia - A text adventure game for Windows
ARACHNID.ZIP84KMar 14, 1991Arachnid Card Game
ARCH_TB.ZIP31KAug 15, 1990Archery Game for Toolbook
ARITH12.ZIP635KNov 27, 1994Arithmetick-Tack-Toe Version 1.2
ASTER105.ZIP129KApr 03, 1995TC Asteroids is a 3D shoot-em-up game
ASTLITE.ZIP166KJul 20, 1993Each morning's horoscope for the day utility
ATMOIDS.ZIP9KJul 19, 1990Asteriods Game
ATOMS10.ZIP33KJun 30, 1992Atoms Game
ATTAXX.ZIP12KFeb 06, 1991A Reversi-like Strategy Game
AZTEC.ZIP40KJul 08, 1993Ancient Aztec puzzle
BACKUP13.ZIP124KJan 10, 1994Backup v1.3 - MS Windows board game
BANGBANG.ZIP35KOct 19, 1990Yet Another Shoot 'Em Up Game
BARTEYE2.ZIP66KMar 27, 1991Barteyes II: Mouse Tracker/Screen Saver w/digital snd
BCUBES.ZIP18KSep 13, 1992BrainCubes Version 1.00 Game for Windows
BDD191.ZIP132KMar 18, 1995Battles In A Distant Desert Battle Game
BDP191.ZIP142KMar 18, 1995Battles on Distant Planets Battle Game
BESTPOKR.ZIP65KOct 21, 1992Video Draw Poker Challenge Game
BG06.ZIP22KDec 22, 1990Backgammon Version 0.06 for Windows
BG200.ZIP49KJul 01, 1993The latest version of the original Windows BattleShip
BGF2VOL1.ZIP320KOct 14, 1994Board Games V1: Chess,Backgammon,Checkers multiplayer
BGF2VOL2.ZIP395KOct 14, 1994Board Games V2: FlagShip,Pipes,RaceChase,etc multiplay
BJ_POK31.ZIP244KFeb 14, 1995NOISY VIDEO POKER and BJ v3.1
BJ_PROF.ZIP386KJan 24, 1995BlackJack Professor
BLACKBOX.ZIP23KFeb 18, 1993Find all the Whatsits hidden in the Black Box
BLACKJ.ZIP273KFeb 12, 1995Windows based Black Jack program
BLACKOUT.ZIP40KMar 30, 1991Seek and Find Game
BLCE12.ZIP9KSep 22, 1991Block Breaker 1.2
BLITZER.ZIP56KApr 24, 1991Helicopter Gunship Game
BLKJACK.ZIP70KFeb 22, 1991A Black Jack Game
BLWIN350.ZIP90KAug 15, 1993Block-Logic (Version 3.50) for Windows
BOG.ZIP100KSep 10, 1994Bog Word Game for Win 3.1 v. 2.02
BOMB_SQ.ZIP175KAug 18, 1994Bomb Squad Game for Windows 3.1
BONES20.ZIP124KJul 28, 1994Bones the Domino Game - Version 2.0
BOUT107.ZIP127KApr 03, 1995TC Bout: game of fighting robots, punching and kicking
BOXWORLD.ZIP36KMar 18, 1992Box Game
BRICK3.ZIP5KJun 24, 1990Mindless Breakout Game (Pong-like)
BRICKV17.ZIP1MMar 06, 1995Fast-paced falling blocks game [1.38m]
BRIDGE20.ZIP211KApr 07, 1995JTS Talking Bridge Bidding Card Game
BUGWORLD.ZIP854KJul 09, 19943D graphics screen saver game [874k]
BUTMAD20.ZIP108KDec 12, 1993Puzzle: goal to turn all buttons gray
BWBLKBOX.ZIP77KMar 08, 1994Black Box is a logic board game
CAMAZE.ZIP86KApr 05, 1993Create, edit and solve simple mazes
CAN241.ZIP408KOct 23, 1994Canasta for Windows V2.41
CARDWS17.ZIP224KApr 25, 1994CardsWorkShop V1.7f for Windows 3.x
CASTLE1Z.EXE411KSep 18, 1992Epic MegaGames Castle of the Winds Adventure
CAT.ZIP118KMar 29, 1994Cat on your desktop follows the mouse cursor
CATHARSI.ZIP7KApr 20, 1995Run catharsis to relieve stress at any time
CBN.ZIP116KDec 13, 1994Color by Numbers Game Version 1.0
CBP94T.ZIP8KMar 13, 1994Pairings for the mens 1994 NCAA tourney for CBPOOL1
CCWIN2.ZIP337KOct 02, 1994Crossword Compiler for Windows v2.02
CELLWR10.ZIP76KDec 23, 1992Cell War Game for Windows
CHCKCM10.ZIP247KJan 22, 1995CheckerCom 1.0: Play checkers via modem
CHEAT100.ZIP89KMar 25, 1993Check off which cards have been played in a card game
CHERRY21.ZIP69KFeb 14, 1995CHERRY DELIGHT Video Slots V2.1
CHESS200.EXE466KMar 30, 1994Modem Chess for Windows [470kb]
CKNOW.ZIP23KDec 03, 1994Common Knowledge is a calendar of puzzles
CLICKIT.ZIP28KSep 10, 1992Double-Click Dexterity Game for Windows
CLIFT106.ZIP136KApr 03, 1995TC Choplifter is a 3D helicopter game
CLRMATCH.ZIP343KMar 02, 1995Color Match Game Version 1.1 for Windows
COCGEN12.ZIP909KMar 02, 1995Windows Based Character Generator
COFMUG10.ZIP9KJul 16, 1992CoffeeMug Spills on Desktop
COLUMNS.ZIP15KJan 02, 1991Columns Game for Windows
COMET.ZIP321KApr 01, 1994Comet Busters: high-speed arcade game for Win 3.1
COMPOUND.ZIP65KMar 22, 1993An "annoying" addictive little word game
CONCENTR.ZIP248KAug 07, 1994Concentrate 3.0b is a concentration game
CONFND10.ZIP54KMar 27, 1993Confound It game for Windows
CONSTUT3.ZIP83KAug 16, 1994Windows 3.1 card game Constitution
COOKIE.ZIP16KJan 06, 1991Fortune Cookie Program
CRIB11.ZIP44KJul 26, 1992Cribbage Game
CRIBBAGE.ZIP65KMar 15, 1991Cribbage the card game for Windows
CRIBW10.ZIP594KJan 14, 1995Cribbage game for Windows [608k]
CRICKET.ZIP29KJan 30, 1995RSC Test Cricket Game
CROQUET1.ZIP16KSep 04, 1992Croquet Solitare Card Game
CRYPTO15.ZIP139KNov 04, 1994Crypto! v1.5 Windows cryptogram game
CSBT.ZIP114KMar 18, 1993CardShark Bridge Tutor
CSHRTS37.ZIP284KJan 19, 1993Card Shark Hearts, play the computer
CSNO21.ZIP93KApr 02, 1993Casino Black Jack for Windows V.2.1s
CSTONE10.ZIP72KMay 17, 1993CornrStone: Rubick's-Cube-type of puzzle
CUBIC.ZIP35KDec 09, 1992Rubik's cube for Windows
CVBJM.ZIP721KMar 17, 1995Casino Verite Blackjack game mini version [739k]
CVBJS.ZIP1MMar 17, 1995Casino Verite Blackjack game full version [1.34m]
CWS40.ZIP385KOct 01, 1994Computer Word Search: Find hidden words
DARE2DRM.ZIP578KMar 01, 1993Dare to Dream: Graphic adventure game
DEFND104.ZIP138KApr 03, 1995TC Defender: 3D shoot-em game against hostile aliens
DESK1.ZIP3KNov 17, 1990Desktop Animation
DIALWORD.ZIP23KSep 10, 1992Create All Possible Words from Telephone Numbers
DICE.ZIP22KOct 22, 1994Dice is a little program that simulates dice
DISCARD.ZIP96KMar 22, 1993Discard: Windows Solitaire game meant to drive you nuts
DODGER.ZIP80KJun 20, 1994Arcade style Windows game
DOGCOW.ZIP12KApr 29, 1992Dogcow Animated Icon
DRAUGHTS.ZIP101KFeb 16, 1993Draughts/Checkers player and tutorial system
DRAW530.ZIP68KOct 18, 1992Draw Poker Game
DRIFT.ZIP9KNov 08, 1991Icons Drift All Over the Place
EGGCARTN.ZIP25KDec 15, 1992"Egg Carton" strategy game
ELECTRO.ZIP107KJul 28, 1994Electro-Cute: Windows word-guessing game
ELVISD10.ZIP14KJun 12, 1992Elvis Scanner for your Windows System
ENQ126.ZIP30KMar 02, 1995Map veiwer for some PBM games, Atlantis and Blitz
EUCH11.ZIP129KSep 21, 1993Freeware card game Euchre for Windows 3.1
EURWIN20.ZIP157KJan 10, 1995European geography games ver2
EXCELFND.ZIP801KApr 02, 1995Knock words off puzzles and view 256 color pics [820k]
F18NFZ.ZIP1MApr 30, 1994F18: No Fly Zone Game [1.26mb]
FIBSW130.ZIP213KJan 29, 1995First International Internet Backgammon Server [FIBS]
FIBSWSFX.ZIP10KMay 08, 1994WAV files for FIBS
FIGHT100.ZIP134KApr 03, 1995TC Space Fighter: 3D space game of fighting ships
FISH3.ZIP11KMar 04, 1990Microsoft Fish!
FISHAT30.ZIP332KNov 21, 1994FishHatchery: Buy/sell fish, hire workrs, run the place
FLASHER.ZIP7KJul 16, 1987Strobe Lights for Windows
FORTY.ZIP94KMay 01, 1995Card game Forty Thieves
FRAINT18.ZIP470KMay 24, 1993Fractint for Windows (ver 17.30)
FRUSTR.ZIP79KMar 12, 1995Frustration Puzzle Game
FS101.ZIP143KSep 22, 1993New solitaire for Windows
FTOOLS25.ZIP1MFeb 25, 1995Game Master Assistance for Fantasy Role Playing Games
FUNSOL.ZIP133KApr 07, 1995Funsol (tm) version 1.1 solitare game
FUSE.ZIP5KJun 08, 1990Yet Another Fuse Program/Game for Windows 3
GATLING.ZIP11KFeb 14, 1991Annoying Noisy Game to Riddle the Screen w/Bullet Holes
GAZ1.ZIP1MOct 11, 1994Gazillionaire galactic trading game (1/3) [1.37m]
GAZ2.ZIP1MOct 11, 1994Gazillionaire galactic trading game (2/3) [1.30m]
GAZ3.ZIP702KOct 11, 1994Gazillionaire galactic trading game (3/3) [719k]
GELULES.ZIP45KMar 17, 1995Another Tetris Clone
GEMS10.ZIP83KMay 20, 1993Windows brain-teaser: turn all gems from red to green
GETALIFE.ZIP74KAug 17, 1993Conway's "Game of Life"
GMONKEY.ZIP20KMar 01, 1995Gold Monkey 2.1 Strategy Game
GMRMDSK2.ZIP678KJan 12, 1995Support utils for Games Room (gmroom12,groom132)
GMROOM12.ZIP1MJan 14, 1995The Games Room Collection of Board Games for Windows
GOLDHUNT.ZIP7KOct 22, 1991Gold Hunt Version 1.1 Treasure Hunt Game
GOLDPUSH.ZIP170KDec 19, 1994GoldPusher game: mixture of puzzles, strategy, action
GOMOKU.ZIP51KDec 08, 1994Another GoMoKu Game
GOMOKU2.ZIP363KSep 12, 1994GoMoKu: Five in a Row Game for Windows
GRADIT10.ZIP39KJan 26, 1992Graditor is an action game for Windows
GROOM141.ZIP715KApr 26, 1995Chess,Chckrs,Stratego,Conquest,Cnct 4,Btlshp,Dmnte,Hex
GWELL21.ZIP247KApr 24, 1995Gravity Well for Windows
GWELL21X.ZIP134KApr 24, 1995Gravity Well for Windows32/NT
HANGM.ZIP89KJun 09, 1994Hangman 2 Word Game for Win 4.0, NT, and Win32s
HANGMAN.ZIP132KAug 18, 1994Hangman for Win 3.1 v. 1.05
HANOI10.ZIP48KFeb 03, 1994Hanoi game
HERECOME.ZIP138KApr 25, 1994Here They Come! is a fast-paced shoot 'em up game
HEX.ZIP21KJun 21, 1994Hex game which runs under Windows
HMAN20.ZIP154KOct 15, 1994Hang Man Game. Includes desert bckgnd/graphics
HORSE.ZIP11KAug 25, 1990Galloping Horse in an Icon
HS11.ZIP121KNov 21, 1994HOME STRETCH v1.1 Horse Racing Game for Windows
HYPEROID.ZIP62KNov 01, 1991Asteriods Game w/Source
ICONRMBR.ZIP39KAug 18, 1994Icon Remember Game ver. 2.0
IDIOT.ZIP270KDec 31, 1994Windows solitaire gard game
INVAD102.ZIP109KApr 03, 1995TC Invaders: 3D shoot-em-up game against skyward aliens
ISHIDOT1.ZIP24KApr 26, 1992Tiles Game for Windows
JAPAN12A.ZIP271KMar 22, 1995Nihongo Sensei Talking Japanese tutor with hiragana 1/4
JAPAN12B.ZIP300KFeb 18, 1995Nihongo Sensei Talking Japanese tutor with hiragana 2/4
JAPAN12C.ZIP233KFeb 18, 1995Nihongo Sensei Talking Japanese tutor with hiragana 3/4
JAPAN12D.ZIP52KFeb 18, 1995Nihongo Sensei Talking Japanese tutor with hiragana 4/4
JOKER12.ZIP71KMay 31, 1994Jokes on demand
KISMET.ZIP31KMay 01, 1993Kismet dice game for Windows
KLOKS10.ZIP105KMay 20, 1993Kloks v1.0 Puzzle for MS-Windows 3.1
KNIGHTTR.ZIP18KJul 21, 1992Knight's Tour Game for Windows
LANDER3.ZIP24KJun 10, 1990Lunar Lander Game for Windows 3
LASER.ZIP34KFeb 14, 1994Laser Trace game based on the Black Box game
LAVA.ZIP16KOct 23, 1990Lava Lamp for Windows
LIGHT.ZIP27KApr 22, 1992Electric Light Game
LINK4130.ZIP52KMar 20, 1994LINK FOUR Version 1.30 - A Strategy Game
LNBTLSHP.ZIP41KMar 10, 1992LAN Version (also Standalone) Battleship Game
LOOPZ11.ZIP95KDec 18, 1992A game of action/reflexion
LOSTRL.ZIP104KDec 05, 1992Frustrating puzzle game
LOWELL10.ZIP224KFeb 28, 1995Rev. Lowell's Treasury of Humor v1.0
LXPRT11.ZIP301KMar 21, 1995Word Study Program (Anagrams, Hooks, Word Lists)
MACBLAST.ZIP20KFeb 09, 1992Destroy the Evil Fruit Empire
MAGIC.ZIP33KJul 01, 1991Dominoes for Windows
MARBLE.ZIP57KSep 19, 1994Marble is a pinball-logic game
MATCHBOX.ZIP108KMar 12, 1995MatchBox game
MAXIT100.ZIP48KApr 28, 1995Maxit is a game of skill, luck and mathematics
MAZE.ZIP37KNov 10, 1994Maze game which runs under Windows
MAZE2.ZIP23KSep 11, 1994Maze game for Windows
MB.ZIP31KOct 20, 1990Mile Bones Automobile Card Game
MCHEAT.ZIP13KJan 12, 1993Program cheats at MS-Minesweeper w/tpw-src
MEDWAR11.ZIP191KJan 13, 1994Wargame set in Medieval times
MEGA.ZIP112KApr 23, 1995Another Yahtzee Game
MEMGM10.ZIP21KOct 28, 1991The Memory Game, Version 1.0
MERLIN.ZIP176KNov 25, 1992Merlin: A Windows Game
MICRO15A.ZIP534KFeb 03, 1995Action-adventure game for Windows 3.1 [546k]
MIND12B.ZIP86KJun 14, 1994Another MasterMind For Windows
MINEHL1A.ZIP18KMay 29, 1993International Minesweeper assistant/solver
MINES.ZIP19KJul 12, 1990Minefield Game for Windows 3 (with source)
MISSILE.ZIP91KSep 11, 1992Missile Attack! Game (with sound)
MJWIN.ZIP229KFeb 01, 1992Mah Jongg for Windows
MMATH194.ZIP16KJan 26, 1995MASTER MATHS: Math Tutor Game (preschool)
MONT13B.ZIP34KMar 11, 1995Montana Solitaire for Windows 1.3b
MOTHER12.ZIP197KMar 17, 1994Mother Of All Battles! v1.2b
MRMIND.ZIP19KAug 22, 1990Tile/Bagel Game for Windows
MYCATS.ZIP30KNov 18, 1991Cats Running All Over
NEDWORLD.ZIP101KJul 03, 1993Neural network to train a little critter
NEKO20.ZIP21KSep 22, 1992Neko the Cat Chases Your Mouse Around
NMMW08.ZIP42KDec 01, 1993Nine Men's Morris Chesslike Game (ver 0.8)
NUTS.ZIP23KApr 24, 1993Rotate and move hex nuts so numbers match up
OMYWD1E.EXE287KAug 20, 1993Find the 5 letter word chosen by the computer
OO_PS110.ZIP885KDec 31, 1994Order Out Of Chaos puzzle game for Windows [907k]
OOOC.ZIP885KJun 30, 1994Order Out Of Chaos - A hypnotic Windows game
ORION37C.ZIP122KApr 21, 1995A strategy game based on a grid with aliens
OUIJA.ZIP40KMar 03, 1993Ouija Board for Windows
OUIJAWIN.ZIP269KFeb 28, 1993Electronic Ouija Board
PAIGOW.ZIP55KOct 14, 1992PaiGow Poker for Windows Ver 1.0b
PATUMN14.ZIP35KMar 05, 1992Collect all the Pills in the Labyrinth
PEGPUZL.ZIP9KJun 07, 1991A Peg-jumping Puzzle
PEGSOLIT.ZIP143KMay 02, 1995Pegsolit solves the classic solitaire board
PEND12.ZIP105KFeb 04, 1994Pendulous: Win3/3.1 strategy game based on warfare
PENSATE.ZIP19KOct 15, 1992Pensate Strategy Game for Windows
PENTPUZL.ZIP31KApr 11, 1994Try and fill a rectangle with pentominoes
PIPE.ZIP21KFeb 08, 1991A Pipe-laying Game
PKRVLT10.ZIP307KJul 19, 1994Video Lottery Terminal style poker game
POKER.ZIP20KDec 11, 1990Draw Poker for Windows
POKERPAT.ZIP37KApr 30, 1994Poker Patience Game
PPONG107.ZIP103KApr 03, 1995TC Ping Pong: 3D Ping Pong game
PPROF.ZIP2MJul 06, 1994Piano Professor(tm) for Windows [1.6mb] w/patch
PRANK.ZIP11KMar 29, 1994Windows Trick Drags your desktop around
PTIC.EXE969KApr 17, 1995Simple Tic-Tac-Toe program w/pics and sound
PUDGE.ZIP51KMar 08, 1995Pudge is a challenging puzzle game
PUNDIT.ZIP40KNov 29, 1990PopUp Useless Sayings
PUZZLE.ZIP14KSep 30, 1992A Puzzle Game
PZL8.ZIP50KAug 18, 1994Puzzle-8 for Win 3.1 v. 1.04
QCWGAM25.ZIP1MMar 30, 1994Shoot-everything-that-moves Space adventure [1.39mb]
RANGOON.ZIP96KOct 13, 1993Rangoon is a game of solitaire
RATS.ZIP219KMay 23, 1994exterminate all the rats
RCLOCK.ZIP42KJun 30, 1994Simple windows 3.x game based on rubik's clock
REVERSI.ZIP10KMar 18, 1992Microsoft Update to Reversi
ROACH.ZIP16KJul 13, 1991Roaches Everywhere!
ROBOTS.ZIP51KOct 19, 1993Robots is a solitaire-like game
ROULETTE.ZIP51KApr 02, 1993Roulette Version 1.0
RVBJ21.ZIP84KFeb 14, 1995REAL VIDEO BLACKJACK v2.1 for Windows
RVP21.ZIP82KFeb 14, 1995REAL VIDEO POKER v2.1 for Windows
S_D24.ZIP97KSep 05, 1992Search & Destroy battleship game with sound
SCARYWIN.ZIP5KFeb 11, 1992Scared Windows Toy
SCAT101.ZIP92KFeb 06, 1994Easy to learn addictive card game w/computer opponents
SCOPONE.ZIP334KMar 13, 1995Scopone Italian card game
SCW101D.ZIP294KSep 01, 1991Strategic space game of colonization and conquest
SEAHAV21.ZIP268KDec 16, 1994v2.1 of Seahaven Towers Solitaire
SIMONE12.ZIP225KJul 02, 1994Simone: shareware memory game for Windows
SKIR104.ZIP128KApr 03, 1995TC Skirmish: 3D capture the flag/paint ball shoot game
SOCCER95.ZIP172KNov 21, 1994Soccer Management Simulator soccer strategy game
SOKO.ZIP31KJul 29, 1992Sokoban for Windows Release 2.2.5
SOLI120.EXE743KSep 21, 1994Super Solitaire for Windows [760k]
SOLO0_05.ZIP120KJan 25, 1995Solitaire graphical game maker and player
SPACEW.ZIP18KOct 26, 1990Shoot the center of the rotating walls
SPANIT.ZIP172KJun 30, 1993Span-It! is a two-player connect-the-dot game
SPIDER.ZIP109KAug 01, 1994Spider is a Windows 3.1 solitaire game
SPVOIC12.ZIP519KFeb 17, 1995The Spelling Voice Spelling Game with sound
SQUIRMER.ZIP193KFeb 10, 1994A centipede-like game for Windows with extras
SSBATL.ZIP616KApr 01, 1993THE BattleShip game for Windows with a twist!
SSLOTS12.ZIP278KApr 24, 1995Super Slots is a slot machine game for Windows
STARS12.ZIP70KFeb 14, 1995LUCKY STARS Video Slots V1.2
STLEMP10.ZIP199KAug 06, 1993Stellar Empires, conquer the stars
STOPBUS.ZIP122KMay 06, 1994Stopbus v1.11 for Windows is a card game3
STV100.ZIP105KJan 01, 1993Story Twister for Windows Version 1.0
SUBLIM20.ZIP42KMar 06, 1993Select subliminal messages to appear in Windows
SWATM11.ZIP20KJun 11, 1993Swat objects as they appear on screen
SWORD102.ZIP119KApr 03, 1995TC Swordplay:3D game of floating swords used in a bout
SYMP11.ZIP785KFeb 25, 1995A Crossword Grid Editor for MS Windows 3.1
TAICHI.ZIP225KDec 06, 1994The player controls the falling blocks
TAIPEI.ZIP27KMay 17, 1990Taipei Game
TANK.ZIP272KFeb 23, 1994Combat Tanks V1.0 for Windows
TARGET.ZIP17KSep 03, 1992Target: Dart Shooting Game
TAROTWIN.ZIP1MApr 01, 1994AxisMundi's CyberTarot Tarot card reading program
TELPZL.ZIP162KAug 18, 1994Telephone Puzzle for Win 3.1 v. 1.02
TENTHSND.ZIP78KDec 11, 1994Ten thousand is a windows dice game for 1 to 7 players
THINGS.ZIP255KJun 06, 1993Thieves and Kings card game
TICTACTO.ZIP11KJun 10, 1992TicTacToe game
TILES.ZIP186KMar 03, 1993Tiles and Tribulations v1.0 is an action arcade game
TILETRIB.ZIP207KMar 03, 1993Game of tiles
TOBOR.ZIP42KNov 16, 1991Tobor Shoot 'Em Game
TOWERS11.ZIP68KMar 06, 19944 Towers Solitare Game
TRE7.ZIP297KNov 11, 1993Italian Tresette game
TRI_YACH.ZIP11KMar 01, 1995Windows implementation of Triple Yahtzee
TRISTATE.ZIP78KDec 13, 1994Tristate is a logic game
TRYME.ZIP352KFeb 22, 1994BrickBreaker II brick-breaking game [360k]
TSLOT22.ZIP23KMay 15, 1992Slot Machine Game for Windows
TYC2_0.ZIP810KFeb 10, 1995Teach Your Children math and reading
UFOTK10.ZIP268KNov 28, 1993UFO Tracker, space shoot-em-up w/sound support
ULTBLAS3.ZIP538KMar 31, 1995Ultra Blast 3.0 Breakout/Arkanoid Game
UNFORGI2.ZIP530KApr 01, 1995SVGA Dungeon Game
VBDALEKS.ZIP15KAug 12, 1991Daleks Game for Windows
VERMIN.ZIP50KOct 23, 1992Squish Bugs Game
VIDPKR20.ZIP268KNov 05, 1994Video Poker for Windows
VOLUT3D.ZIP69KMar 12, 1995Volutare 3D Game
W5CARD.ZIP31KMay 28, 1994W5CARD is five card draw poker for Windows
W_HOP.ZIP5KJul 25, 1990Hop-Over Puzzle Game for Windows
W_OHACK.ZIP126KApr 29, 1994The game of Hack for WinOne Windows Shell
WAST.ZIP790KOct 10, 1994Wasteroids 1.0 is a Windows based asteroids game
WATZI10.ZIP232KMar 30, 1995Watzi is a Windows version of Cahtzee
WDSCHGEN.EXE101KDec 06, 1994Word Search Puzzle Generator
WEMPIRE.ZIP337KNov 17, 1992Empire game for Windows
WEYES11.ZIP61KMar 18, 1992Yet Another Eyes App
WFIGHT08.ZIP77KFeb 07, 1993WinFight Version 0.8
WGRAM10.ZIP347KMar 09, 1994Windows Anagram Word puzzle game
WHEARTS.ZIP75KJan 26, 1992Hearts Card Game for Windows
WILLI.ZIP66KMar 27, 1993Windows STONE-AGE DELUXE Game
WINADV21.ZIP127KSep 20, 1992Colossal Cave Adventure for Windows
WINANT.ZIP126KSep 14, 1994WinAnt 3D rescue game with hero/heroine + vicious ants
WINCHS.ZIP34KApr 25, 1992Windows Chess Game
WINCOW.ZIP16KJun 11, 1992Windows Cow Game
WINCRIB1.ZIP154KMar 25, 1994Black Dog Cribbage game for Windows
WINDJNG1.ZIP484KApr 01, 1995Mahjongg 1.0 for Windows
WINDOG10.ZIP236KJul 20, 1993Prairie Dog Hunt, arcade-style game
WINEYES.ZIP24KOct 29, 1990New WinEyes with Source
WING_WRI.ZIP48KAug 01, 1994Microsoft Game Developer's Handbook
WINGO130.ZIP89KFeb 12, 1994A fun and challenging version of Bingo for Windows
WINJACK.ZIP79KApr 18, 1992Windows BlackJack Game
WINOJ.ZIP29KJul 11, 1994Not really O.J., but an incredible simulation game.
WINPOKER.ZIP50KNov 03, 1990Poker! for Windows
WINPOOL.ZIP48KMar 05, 1993Windows Billiards Game
WINRISK.ZIP40KDec 08, 1992Conquer the world game
WINROB12.ZIP475KMar 16, 1995Robot Battle 1.2--Design a robot to crush challengers
WINROLL.ZIP215KJun 06, 1994Generate money like a money machine
WINSIEGE.ZIP209KJul 14, 1993Siege! strategy game to capture land
WINSLOT.ZIP28KDec 08, 1990Windows Slot Machine
WINSO11.ZIP42KApr 22, 1992Sokoban Game for Windows
WINSOLIT.ZIP50KJan 04, 1992Windows Solitare (Ver 92.01.04)
WINSPDS1.ZIP62KApr 17, 1995WinSpades v1.0 Spades Card game
WINSPIDR.ZIP49KJan 08, 1992Windows Spider Solitare Game
WINTTT.ZIP26KJul 18, 19913D Tic-Tac-Toe Game
WINUHS.ZIP28KAug 28, 1992Windows Hint System for Games
WINZEE.ZIP47KMar 03, 1993Winzee V2.21: A Yahtzee (dice) game; 6 cols, 6 players
WINZLE.ZIP578KJan 06, 1995256color Windows puzzle game
WIT.ZIP171KDec 07, 1994CHRONOS/WIT history/events educ relation database
WITBTL.ZIP166KDec 07, 1994BIBLE TIMELINES/WIT history/events relation database
WLIFE.ZIP179KJul 15, 1994W-Life version 1.0 is a port of XLife 2.0
WLOTTO.ZIP68KAug 25, 1992Windows Lotto Game
WM20FRN.ZIP40KDec 24, 1994A mind game for Windows 3.1 and NT (French)
WM20USA.ZIP39KDec 24, 1994A mind game for Windows 3.1 and NT (US)
WMAKE5.ZIP25KJul 12, 1992Five-in-a-Row Game for Windows
WORDMAN.ZIP128KSep 19, 1993A pac-man clone
WORDMM.ZIP190KFeb 28, 1995Word Mastermind Game
WORDSTOK.ZIP66KAug 09, 1992Word Stalk Game
WORDWIZ2.ZIP354KAug 27, 1994WordWiz 2.0 Word Puzzle Composer
WORLD110.ZIP153KApr 03, 1995TC Virtual World: 3D shoot-em game vs tanks and planes
WORM.ZIP27KSep 21, 1992Worms all over the place game (with source)
WORMWAR.ZIP7KJul 14, 1990Centipede-like Game
WPONG.ZIP6KOct 22, 1991Pong Game
WROIDS20.ZIP424KMay 25, 1994Version of Asteroids Game for Windows
WSLAM.ZIP43KSep 20, 1993Air hockey game for Windows
WSRCH10.ZIP113KMar 03, 1994WordSearch Mania v1.0 - Solve Word Search Puzzles
WTAROT.ZIP197KSep 21, 1992Automatic Tarot card spread - tell your fortunes
WWII121.ZIP181KMar 18, 1995World War II Battles: Normandy
XWORD.ZIP37KApr 06, 1990Crossword Puzzler
YABWEYE.ZIP14KJan 08, 1992Yet Another Eyes App
YACHT.ZIP244KDec 30, 1994Windows yacht game
YAHT_C.ZIP174KFeb 19, 1994Windows version of the popular dice game Yahtzee
YAHT_SEE.ZIP129KJul 21, 1994Yaht-See for Windows v1.0
YAHTZE11.ZIP422KApr 30, 1994Chinese dice game called Yahtzee
YALIFE.ZIP154KSep 07, 1993Yet Another implementation of the game of Life
YOVA11.ZIP79KOct 17, 1994Yet Another Version of Attacks: Othello-like Game
YOW.ZIP40KNov 01, 1991WinYow - An Interactive GUI Fortune for Windows
YOWSRC12.ZIP29KMar 13, 1992Source to WinYow
YTZ26.ZIP54KNov 21, 1994Yacht-Z is a version of the classic dice game

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