I never "lost sight" of ObL's "vision". I was quite aware
that terrorism was simply a means to an end - a global
Caliphate under Sharia Law, and posted accordingly. It
will never come to pass, but the defeat of the Caliphate
and Islam will come at a cost - a counterfeit of the
Kingdom of God under the Antichrist & Noahide Law.
We've Lost Sight Of His Vision
By John Brennan
Sunday, February 26, 2006; Page B04
Osama bin Laden's plan to use terrorism to trigger an Islamic
reawakening that will challenge Western dominance of world events
and assure the ascendancy of Sunni extremists is moving forward
-- at an alarming rate.
Hibernating securely somewhere along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border,
bin Laden and his Egyptian sidekick, Ayman al-Zawahiri, must be
deriving warmth from the fact that the Iraqi insurgency has taken on
a decidedly Sunni extremist coloration; that Hamas has successfully
exploited political opportunities in Palestine; that radicals within
Europe's Muslim communities are gaining strength and destructive
force; and that caricatures of the prophet Muhammad have led to
violence even among Muslims not inclined toward terrorism.
Terrorism, in bin Laden's strategy, is only a tactic, a means to
achieve what he believes is a providentially ordained objective
-- global domination by an Islamic caliphate. Yet dangerously, the
United States is focusing on countering that tactic, missing the growth
of the extremist Islamic forest as we flounder among the terrorist trees.
Maybe it's because we have led ourselves to believe that the term "al
Qaeda" means "Kill Americans." It doesn't. It means "foundation" or
"base" in Arabic. Bin Laden chose the word intentionally and cleverly.
He knew that his battle-hardened core of veterans from the Soviet-
Afghan war of the 1980s would serve only as the foundational
wellspring to irrigate fields of political, social and economic
discontent among the Muslim masses.
Full article at "Washington Post"
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/ article/2006/02/24/AR2006022402303.html
Cheers, Steve..
* Origin: No to Sharia Law - No to Noahide Law (3:800/432)